To read, click a link below:
Friendships, part 1
Friendships, Part two: What foolish friends will look like
Friendships, Part three: What foolish friends look like, continued
She also has a good post on the Wrong Way to use Humor. Below is a small taste of what she has to say.

Do you ever notice the humor Hollywood will often use? In fact, it's in cartoons too. An old lady gets knocked over, a nun witnesses a sinful act, a hand is caught in a trap, someone's thumb is smashed, and the list goes on. I was recently at the movie theater watching a movie aimed at a younger crowd. There were a lot of children in the audience and guess what they laughed at: Someone getting hurt, or frustrated in their plans. Or they laughed at someone being made fun of. Wow, so much for the sweet innocent years.
Read the rest - Here
Hey Zach,
Nice Post.
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Great links. I read her posts last night, and she has a lot of wisdom in this area. I need to make sure that I always act in a way that is opposite to that of a fool.
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