I believe God is the reason that I even have this job. For awhile now, I have been praying for a more steady job that wouldn't force me to stop the work I do for some older people around my town. Unknown to me, a young volunteer/employee of the Humane Society of 4 years had decided to quit and move on (hopefully) to be a veterinarians assistant. That opened up a position that was advertised in the newspaper to be around 20 hours a week. My Mom suggested I apply for the job, and I did. That is when I said I wouldn't be around the blogs much.
I went in for the interview, and afterward, left unsure of whether I still wanted the job. The hours described in the interview sounded like many more than what was advertised in the newspaper. At the time my prayers changed, I now prayed that if I got the job, my schedule would even out. The Humane Society told me that I would be called in a few days if I got the job. Those few days came and went.

When I returned the next week, I was called into my boss' office and told that the person who had taken the position I originally applied for quit, and if I was willing, I could take their place. I prayed about it and talked to my parents and my boss over the next few days. I felt led to take the hours change and accepted the position. Now, my hours are almost perfect for this season of my life.
Three times through this experience I was tempted to doubt God. I couldn't see how I would have a more steady job without settling for second best. I couldn't understand how I could have a job without interfering with the other jobs I know God wants me do. I couldn't comprehend how once I had the job, I would rationally justify the cost I felt it was going to take up. And I could never have believed it all would have slid into place as well as it has. It is only because of God I have this job, and it is only Him I have to thank.
Written by: Zachary J.
That's so cool, Zac! God's planning is so awesome. :)
I am glad to hear about God's amazing work in your life, Zachary. The Humane Society is a great place! God's plan is always the best!
Great post! I like when God does that, he shows us that we need to trust him!
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